Rocky Linux 9 NVIDIA Driver Installation

Matthew Estes
Matthew Estes
  • Updated

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This article will detail the steps necessary to install NVIDIA's graphics driver on a system with a fresh install of Rocky 9. This driver is necessary to ensure you are able to fully utilize the GPUs in your system for any simulations/GPU-heavy work.


This guide assumes you already have a completed installation of Rocky 9. Additionally you will want to run these commands as root (or with root privileges using sudo).

Step 1: Update your packages

dnf upgrade --refresh -y

Step 2: Disable Nouveau

Using your preferred text editor in terminal, edit the file /etc/default/grub and add this


at the end of 'GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX'. Once added, save your changes.

Step 3: Update GRUB

Use this command to generate an updated GRUB file for the drive to rescan on next boot

grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grubenv

Step 4: Reboot

reboot now

Step 5: Download specific NVIDIA Driver .run file

You should use the NVIDIA website to determine the correct/latest version to download. Once you have the version, you can use this wget command to download it, substituting your new version in as appropriate


Step 6: Make the downloaded NVIDIA file executable

chmod +x NVIDIA-Linux-x86*.run

Step 7: Disable GUI and install NVIDIA Driver .run file

Again, make sure the version is the latest for your GPU and not just a copy/paste of below

init 3

When prompted do not have the driver write the display file. Otherwise you should be able to answer affirmatively to any other questions.

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