Rocky Linux 8 Installation (RAID 1)

Nam Luong
Nam Luong
  • Updated

Document Scope:

This article covers how to install Rocky Linux 8 with RAID 1



USB flash drive with minimum 16GB storage capacity. This USB drive will be wiped entirely to repurpose for the Rocky 8 ISO installer. Any files on the USB drive that are still needed should be backed up before proceeding.


For steps 1 and 2, another system (a home/office one, probably has Windows) will be used to obtain the files and create the bootable USB drive necessary to load Rocky Linux 8 on the destination system.


Step 1: Obtain Rocky Linux 8 ISO

Link to obtain latest Rocky 8 ISO file:

Clicking the 'DVD' option under 'x86_64 will automatically start downloading the ISO file on the current browser. The ISO file is about 10.4GB, but size may vary depending on the latest version.



Step 2: Load Rocky Linux 8 ISO onto a bootable USB drive

Step 2a: Obtain Rufus

To format and create bootable USB flash drive, download Rufus. 

Click on 'Rufus <current version>' to automatically start downloading the executable through the current browser. Download time should be almost instantaneous due to small file size.

Step 2b: Create the bootable USB containing Rocky Linux 8

If Rocky ISO finished downloading, it should show up in your 'Downloads' folder. Plug in your USB drive and make sure that Device is selected in Rufus.




Select 'Write in ISO Image mode (Recommended)' and click OK.



All data on the USB flash drive that want to be kept should already be backed up. If NOT, click Cancel to quit.

If safe to wipe USB drive entirely, click OK.


Step 3: Boot into Rocky Linux 8 installer

Find and boot the 'UEFI' boot option for the bootable USB containing the Rocky Linux 8 ISO.


Select preferred language:


And install software:


Rocky 8.5 installation - ← this works for 8.6...

Rocky 8.6 installation -


Shift+click to select multiple items and select both identical drives to be configured then click Select.


Match settings below to create RAID1 /boot partition as 'ext4' File System, then click Update Settings on the bottom-right.


Again, Shift+click to select multiple items and select both identical drives to be configured then click Select.


Again, Shift+click the two identical drives then click Select.


Add the / root mount and leave the Desired Capacity blank so it will use the remaining disk space. 


For scratch drive, you will need to type in/scr in the Mount Point: field.

The scratch space is space on the hard disk drive that is dedicated for storage of temporary user data.





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