CPU Liquid Cooler Removal

Nam Luong
Nam Luong
  • Updated

Document Scope:

This article covers how to remove CPU liquid cooler, with video demonstrations. 

Tools Required:


Step 1: Remove chassis panels to access CPU cooler assembly.

Step 1a: Remove left side panel.

Step 1b: Remove top panel.

Step 1c: Remove right side panel.



Step 2: Disconnect radiator fan cables, feed through cable-access cavity.

Step 2a: Disconnect radiator fan cables.

Step 2b: Feed radiator fan cables through cable access cavity.


Step 3: Replace right side panel.



Step 4: Unscrew radiator fan assembly

Lay system on right side panel with motherboard facing up then unscrew radiator fan assembly.



Step 5: Unplug liquid CPU cooling block power cable from motherboard.

Cut and remove zip ties, if necessary.



Step 6: Unscrew liquid CPU cooling block from motherboard and remove from system.

Unscrew liquid CPU cooling block from motherboard, moving from one screw to the next in a clockwise direction, not cross pattern. Ensure no other liquid CPU fan or cooling block cables are strapped to the chassis or any other parts then remove the liquid CPU cooler block from the system.




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